
Kurbatsky Alexey Nikolaevich, Cand. Sc.

Associate Professor of the Department of Econometrics and Mathematical Methods of Economics

He was born on 21.01.1985 in the city of Kaluga. In 2007 he graduated from MekhMat Moscow State University. In 2010 he graduated from the postgraduate course in the Department of Dynamic Systems Theory at Moscow State University. In 2012, the finalist of the contest of young scientists of Moscow State University.

He graduated from the faculty of pedagogical education of Moscow State University, has diplomas of a teacher of secondary and higher education. The author of manuals for preparation of entrants to entrance exams and the Unified State Exam on mathematics.

Sphere of scientific interests: Geometric control theory, singularity theory, stochastic financial mathematics.

Teaching disciplines: “Mathematical analysis” “Theory of probability and

Mathematical statistics (Russian) »« Econometrics »« Introduction to the analysis of time series »,

Mathematical Methods for Estimating Derivative Financial Instruments (in Russian)

Mathematical Methods for Estimating Derivative Financial Instruments (English)


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