
27.07.2019 Moscow School of Economics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Graduation Ceremony’2019

June 27, in the assembly hall of the 4 academic building of the Lomonosov Moscow State University took place a solemn ceremony of awarding diplomas to graduates of Bachelor and Master of the Moscow School of Economics 2019. The graduates were congratulated by professors and heads of the faculty, members of the public Board of Trustees of the MSE MSU, parents and friends of current bachelors and masters, as well as graduates of the Moscow School of Economics of Moscow State University of previous years.

The solemn ceremony was opened by the director of MSE MSU, Academician A.D. Nekipelov.  Alexander Dmitrievich warmly congratulated the graduates, wished them success in their new, adult life.

Also the first deputy director of MSE MSU S.V. Shakin congratulated graduates with kind words.

A lot of congratulations were from the Board of Trustees to the graduates:

  • Olga Polyakova – Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of Russia;
  • Alexey Gvishiani – Academician of the Russian Academy of Science (RAS), Chairman of the Scientific Council of the RAS for the Study of the Arctic and Antarctic, Head of the Section of the Expert Council of the Russian Scientific Foundation, Chairman of the Academic Council of the Geophysical Center of the RAS;
  • Tamara Solovykh – Deputy Director, Head of the Personnel Development Directorate, Human Resources Department, PJSC Rosneft Oil Company.
  • Denis Voronin – Head of HR Department,  OJSC Gazprombank;
  • Vadim Kuznetsov – Managing Director of the Department for Work with State Authorities and Public Organizations of “VTB Bank”.

This year, for the first time, graduates of two English-language masters programs in “Global Finance and Economics” and “Economics and Finance” (a joint Russian-Slovenian program implemented by Moscow State University and the University of Koper, Slovenia) received master’s degrees.

Ten graduate students received honors diplomas:

  • Oka Takefumi, Japan (graduate of the English-language master’s program in Global Finance and Economics)
  • Shykhi Abbasov
  • Tatayna Anufrieva
  • Daria Bobrova
  • Ivan Vlasov
  • Maxim Grinchenko
  • Anastasia Sergeeva
  • Anna Trusova
  • TimurHalimov
  • KristinaShvetsova

The best graduate masters were awarded gold badges:

  • Tanyana Anufrieva – MSc in The Economic Theory and the Issues of the Modern Russia
  • Darya Bobrova – MSc in Financial Economics
  • Oka Takefumi – MSc in Global Finance and Economics

At the celebration held a few musical numbers performed by a duo of cellists.

Good luck, our dear bachelors and masters in 2019!

We heartily congratulate you on receiving diplomas and the beginning of adult life!

Remember that the doors of the Moscow School of Economics are always open for you!

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