
Jan Aart Scholte

I hold the Faculty Chair in Peace and Development at the School of Global Studies since

2013. My previous appointments were at the University of Sussex, the Institute of Social

Studies, and the University of Warwick. I have also had visiting positions at Cornell University, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Linköping University, the London School of Economics, Mbarara University of Science and Technology, and Moscow State University. I obtained my DPhil from the University of Sussex in 1990 and an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Gothenburg in 2010.

Areas of interest My research covers globalization, global governance, civil society in global politics, global democracy, and methodologies of global studies. Current research Much of my current research addresses questions of governing a more global world, with

particular emphasis on democracy in this context. Since 2008 I have coordinated an international project on 'Building Global Democracy', addressing subjects such as conceptualising global democracy, learning for global democracy, greater inclusion in global politics, structural redistribution for global democracy, and transcultural constructions of global legitimacy. See www.buildingglobaldemocracy.org.

A more specific new project examines civil society engagement of financial markets and the implications for democracy in a more global world.

A third edition of Globalization: A Critical Introduction is also planned.

Teaching and tutoring My teaching is mainly focused on the peace and development PhD programme, which I

coordinate. I also supervise MA theses and give lectures in various SGS courses.

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